Higgins Middle School Honor Roll

235 students achieved honors at Higgins Middle School this fall based on their grades from the first quarter of the school year. Those students are: Class of 2028 Jennifer Aguiar, …

Council backs Rousselot land purchase

The City Council overwhelmingly backed Mayor Ted Bettencourt’s proposed 136-plus-acre purchase of land owned by Rousselot, which is set to shutter its operations later this month, comprising a large swath …

New Peabody High officially on its way

Mayor Ted Bettencourt announced last Wednesday morning that Peabody Veterans Memorial High School had been selected to participate in the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s funding program, meaning the city will …

City lights up for Hanukkah

The message from Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman, of Chabad of Peabody, could not have been clearer at the city’s annual Menorah Lighting on Tuesday afternoon — light will always defeat darkness …