Queer Representation: Can You See Us? At Peabody Library with SpeakOUT Boston

Join the Peabody Library and SpeakOUT Boston for a presentation and discussion titled “Queer Representation: Can You See Us?” on Monday, April 8, at the Peabody Library at 82 Main St.. Interested patrons can register on our calendar.

Speakers from SpeakOUT Boston will share their personal stories and discuss how the power of representation has affected them in their own journeys. Representation within books, film, TV, and other culture is so important to any community, and the LGBTQ+ community is no different. What are examples of positive and negative examples in popular culture? Speakers will swap book and film recommendations and engage with the audience who may have their own favorites. In the week leading up to the presentation, the library will feature some of our favorites on display.

About SpeakOUT Boston:

SpeakOUT is a community of speakers and volunteers working to create a world free of bias and prejudice by telling the truths of LGBTQ+ lives.

We do so by:

  • Conducting educational programs about LGBTQ+* lives and issues,

  • Training individuals and organizations to use public speaking as a means of creating positive cultural change,

  • Sharing our lives and experiences publicly in order to support those struggling with sexuality and gender identity,

  • Educating within the communities we represent about issues that divide us.

We engage audiences in honest dialogue, and in keeping with our motto “Ask Us Anything,” invite any questions that may challenge harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.
