LTE: Jim Dillon wants to ensure educational excellence for Lynnfield’s students

To the editor:

My name is Jim Dillon and I respectfully ask you for your vote for a three-year School Committee seat on April 9.

As a candidate with a background as a school principal, teacher, and School Committee member, I will work to promote a culture of excellence at the Lynnfield Public Schools. To achieve this, we have to keep the focus on teaching, learning, and school climate. I firmly believe that all students leaving our schools should have the critical thinking skills, work ethic, and confidence to be successful in whatever endeavor they choose.

Having served on the Lynnfield School Committee for 15 years up until 2011, I worked on numerous school budgets, participated in contract negotiations, developed district school policies, assessed annual school improvement plans, and evaluated the superintendent’s goals and objectives. During this time, curriculum and assessment were aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum frameworks, and a very high bar was set for student achievement. Advanced Placement offerings were added at the High School, and SAT scores improved.

Key to a high-performing school district are hardworking teachers and staff that take pride in their work and care about their students. The performance of Lynnfield students on state assessments is a testament to the skill and professionalism of our teachers. You can’t get those results without dedicated educators.

In my role as a School Committee member, I will advocate for Lynnfield’s students and families while working with town leaders to make sure we can reach our goals within a reasonable budget. We have to manage resources responsibly in order to grow and improve.

In closing, I would appreciate your vote on April 9 for the opportunity to ensure educational excellence for every Lynnfield student.

Jim Dillon
