What are the next steps for the Lynnfield Community Vision Draft Plan?

The Lynnfield Community Vision Draft Plan has laid out recommendations for the next steps to be taken to realize the community’s aspirations. 

The first recommendation is the adoption of the vision plan by the Planning Board and Select Board, which would provide a formal acknowledgment of the community’s shared vision and set the stage for further actions.

Administratively, town staff will be urged to integrate the findings and recommendations of the vision plan into decision-making processes, ensuring alignment with community desires and needs. This involves sharing the vision plan with various town boards, committees, and departments to foster consistency in their implementation efforts.

Another aspect of the next steps involves the development of a new master plan. Building upon the foundation laid by the vision plan, the Planning Board will be tasked with initiating the master plan update process. This update will delve deeper into policy topic areas, leveraging qualitative data gathered from townwide surveys and community engagement events.

Funding for the master plan update can be pursued through local funds, and regional and state planning grants. Lynnfield can apply for grants such as the Community One-Stop for Growth Planning Grant and seek technical assistance from organizations like the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to support the update process.

Another recommendation is to improve town communication and transparency. The Planning Board will be advised to provide regular updates to residents through channels such as the Lynnfield newsletter, the Town Talk video series, and local newspapers. Engaging business owners to strengthen community ties and facilitate conversations on various topics is also a priority.

Looking ahead, considerations for future planning efforts include prioritizing outreach to underrepresented groups, including younger residents, renters, people of color, and individuals with lower incomes. Establishing a liaison engagement model and regularly collecting demographic information are suggested strategies to ensure inclusive participation.
