Lynnfield Community Vision Draft Plan now available

Over the past year, the Lynnfield Planning Board has led a planning process to develop a vision plan for the town. The plan will provide a clear set of goals and principles that decision-makers like the town manager, Select Board, and town boards and committees can use to work in the same direction.

The draft plan is now available on the project’s webpage.

The Lynnfield community is invited to review the draft plan and provide feedback during the upcoming public-comment period, which will take place between Feb. 5 to March 1, 2024. During that time frame, you will be able to share your feedback with the town through an online survey.

After Feb. 18, the Lynnfield Planning Board will work with the MAPC to incorporate revisions from public feedback and design the final plan. It’s your turn to tell us what you think of the Draft Vision Plan.

Your input is important to this process.

The Public Comment Period is Feb. 5 to March 1, 2024.

To participate:

Step One: Read the Draft Vision Plan.

Step Two: Provide your feedback during the Feb. 5 – March 1, 2024 comment period.

After March 1, the Lynnfield Planning Board will work with MAPC to incorporate revisions from the public feedback and design the final plan.
