Lynnfield Historical Society to discuss beer in the Colonial era

“When Beer Was Water: A History of Colonial Era Drinking” will be the subject at the Lynnfield Historical Society’s meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at the Centre Congregational Church.

Local historian Vijay Joyce of Beverly will be the guest speaker. His career in historic preservation led to his interest in the lifestyle of our Colonial ancestors, particularly their imbibing habits.

Through his research, Joyce learned that alcohol consumption in early America was rampant. Beer was a major staple of everyday life. Because brewing required boiling water, beer was safer to drink since it did not cause waterborne diseases. Little was known about sanitation at the time. Equipment for home brewing and the establishment of a brew house were indispensable priorities in each new settlement.

This penchant for alcohol continued well into the 19th century.

Parking at the Centre Congregational Church is available at the rear of the building off Main Street.

Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
