LYNNFIELD — Lynnfield girls soccer star Trinity Gesamondo will officially accomplish a dream of hers when she walks onto Coyer Field next fall. On Thursday at Lynnfield High, the Pioneer signed her commitment letter to play at Buffalo State College.

“I always wanted to play [soccer] after high school,” Gesamondo said. “I’m looking forward to the higher competition and just continuing my soccer career.”

When asked what made her choose Buffalo State, Gesamondo said she liked the location of the school and got a good feeling from the girls on the team, and how they bonded.

As Gesamondo signed, the soon-to-be Bengal was surrounded by her friends, family, and members of her Lynnfield team.

“It means a lot having all the support of my friends and family and having them all here with me,” Gesamondo said.

Playing at the collegiate level comes with new challenges, but for Trinity, it’s something she’s eager to face.

“I’m looking forward to playing at that next level and [continuing] to work harder since it’s a more advanced competition,” Gesamondo said.

Lynnfield head coach Mark Vermont pointed to Gesamondo’s work ethic as a quality that will help her be successful next year.

“College is different. Everyone is fighting for more [and] she’s not afraid to go out there and fight for it,” Vermont said.

In addition to her work ethic, Vermont describes Gesamondo’s versatility as a strength of hers. For example, in a 1-1 draw at Pentucket this past season, Vermont put Gesamondo at the forward position despite her natural position of midfield.

“We played against Pentucket and she moved from midfield to a more advanced position up top and [she] helped settle things down,” Vermont said. “Her ability to go from the midfield to playing up top turned the game around for us.”

Though Gesamondo and her parents were wearing Buffalo State sweatshirts, her brother Dante (Lynnfield ‘21) refused to wear the Bengals’ colors. Dante is the current goalkeeper at Medaille University – a rival of Buffalo State.

Though there may be a sibling rivalry coming to the Gesamondo family the next few years, Trinity is more than ready for the challenges ahead.


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