School Committee promises to re-earn public’s trust

The School Committee sent out a letter last week to community members, teachers, and parents acknowledging the crisis the district is facing and promising to address the issues and frustrations that were discussed at last week’s School Committee meeting.

“We clearly heard your concerns and frustration with the current challenges our schools are facing,” the letter read. “We acknowledge there is significant work to do within the district to repair the culture and re-earn the trust of the Lynnfield Public Schools community. We respect, value, and care deeply about and for our dedicated educators and are fully committed to the work that lies ahead, to address the issues communicated to us.”

The Lynnfield Teachers Association presented a resolution expressing its concerns and complaints with the leadership of Lynnfield Public Schools to the School Committee at last week’s meeting. 

The resolution cited various issues that have resulted in what the union called “the lowest educator morale in living memory.”

“Acting Superintendent Thomas Geary and LTA President Alex Cellucci have worked out a plan for Professional Development for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year that will provide our educators with the self-directed planning time you requested and clearly need,” the committee wrote in response to the issues cited in the letter. “We intend to collaborate with Acting Superintendent Geary and LTA President Cellucci to pursue ways to address the issues, concerns, and action items communicated to us by our beloved educators.”

At the beginning of the meeting, School Committee Chair Rich Sjoberg told the audience that the committee had “voted to initiate an investigation” through an independent party. The investigation will look into concerns that have been raised about the “operation of the school district.”

We will provide further updates next week, as they are available, and prior to the holiday break,” the letter read. “Additionally, we plan to establish other opportunities for communication with us in the new year. We appreciate all they do, every day, for our students and families.” 
