LTE: A wonderful Veterans Day celebration at the Torigian Senior Center

To the editor:

A wonderful Veterans Day celebration was held at the Peter Torigian Senior Center in Peabody Friday, Nov. 9. Children from the Peabody schools wrote special cards of thanksgiving to all attending veterans, thanking them for their service to our country. Music was World War II vintage, provided by the volunteer Golden Echoes big band for everyone’s dancing pleasure.  The lunch was provided by chefs Pat Jimmy, Victor, Bob and Cathy, which consisted of seafood stuffed filet of sole, green beans, sweet potato, and Boston cream pie for dessert. Really scrumptious. Before dining, all stood up to say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “God Bless America” by Kate Smith. We veterans and others really want to thank Director Carolyn Wynn, Activities Coordinator Judy Walker, Volunteer Director Laurie Nadeau, Administrative Assistant Carol McMahon, and all the staff and volunteers at the Peabody Senior Center for a grand time. Thank you. 


Philip Celeste

