Lynnfield Art Guild presents a woodcut and printmaking demo by Kate Hanlon

The Lynnfield Art Guild (LAG) is presenting a Woodcut/Printmaking Demonstration by Kate Hanlon, on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. You can find her whimsical art and the classes Kate offers at

This demonstration is open to all members via invitation. Prospective members are encouraged to join the guild at to take advantage of this and upcoming special artistic opportunities, including free attendance at all live and virtual demonstrations and the ability to display art, network with other artists, and show pieces in our popular exhibits.

Hanlon is a multi-disciplinary artist and educator. She received her BFA with a concentration in printmaking from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Hanlon has been represented by Paramour Fine Arts in Franklin, Mich. since 2014. Her work has been featured in dozens of exhibitions, including at Storefront Art Projects in Watertown, Providence Art Club in Providence, R.I., Francesca Anderson Gallery in Lexington, The Old Print Shop in New York City, and Boston Athenaeum in Boston. Hanlon is well known for her printmaking and drawing classes and workshops, and specializes in both technical skills and building muscles for experimentation and exploration.

“I first became acquainted with white line woodcuts as a university printmaking student while waitressing in Provincetown during the summers of 1979-1980,” Hanlon said. “I was intrigued by their luminous colors, simplified yet sophisticated designs, and low-tech approach. There were no classes in the medium at that time, so I taught myself to print by trial and error, reading everything I could find about the early Provincetown printers.”

Membership in the Lynnfield Art Guild is open to artisans, photographers, and artists of all levels, with student, supporting, and family memberships available. For further information, please visit our website and check out our Lynnfield Arts Facebook (Lynnfield Arts) and Instagram (@lynnfieldartguild) pages.
