Dog hearing scheduled for Wednesday


The Town scheduled a Dog Hearing for Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, at 5 p.m. The primary objective of the hearing was to assess whether a dog named “Scout,” with license number #1030, owned by the McNeil family of Lynnfield, is deemed a nuisance or a dangerous dog under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 140, Section 157.

In a letter to the town, Linda Agnoletti, a resident of Lynnfield, said that on Sept.19 when she was walking her small dog, Duffy, she noticed that Scout had escaped from his home, was unleashed, and subsequently attacked Duffy. 

In the process of trying to save her dog, Agnoletti was knocked down, and her friend had to intervene by choking Scout to release its grip.

Duffy sustained severe injuries, including puncture wounds and lacerations, which required stitches and caused considerable pain and limited mobility.

Agnoletti said in the letter that it was later discovered that this was not the first incident involving Scout. He had attacked another dog, Dexter, owned by Iva Morse, on a prior occasion in May 2023. Scout had escaped, attacked Dexter, and only released him when the owner intervened, sustaining bite wounds in the process. 

Agnoletti is seeking a review of dog orders and their disposition in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. c. 140, § 157, as directed by the Chief Justice of the Massachusetts District Court Department. 
