LIZZIE AND LILLI – Lynnfield natives find each other at Marathon and finish together

BOSTON — Lizzie Reed and Lilli Patterson did something on Monday that not many can say the same about. The Lynnfield natives each ran the Boston Marathon, meeting up at the 20-mile mark before finishing the race side-by-side.

“It was a great experience and we are both so lucky to be a part of it,” Patterson, who placed 10,261, said.

The two saw each other briefly early on at mile 7, but it was at the mile-20 mark where they reconnected.

“It was so cool… to find each other during the race,” Reed, who placed 10,291 said.

“We stayed together until the finish line and we even saw one of our old classmates, Nick Zhang, at mile 22 and he had water for us,” said Patterson.

The Marathon has its ups and downs – literally and figuratively – something Reed and Patterson can both attest to. The pair ran the hills together, which both said were tough.

“But the city of Boston really shows up when you’re aching the most,” Patterson said.

But then, the light. Reed and Patterson ran the Fenway Park and Boylston portions together before ending the race at the same time.

“We were able to do the worst parts of the hills together and the best part of Fenway and Boylston together,” said Patterson.

Patterson ran for Tedy’s Team – Tedy Brushchi’s foundation to raise awareness for stroke and heart disease. The team raised $620,000, while Patterson personally raised $10,581.

“I loved running for Tedy’s Team and it is a foundation close to my heart,” Patterson said. “Tedy really makes the experience unforgettable for the runners.”

Reed ran for Tufts School of Nutrition, and also for adolescents with OCD. It was her first marathon, and Boston Marathon, but hey, here’s to a few more.

Reed said the worst part of the race was “getting to the (Newton) Fire Station, the part where there fewer people cheering in the middle.”

Patterson said she plans to take at least one off before considering another run.

“I can’t believe it’s over,” Patterson said. “I told Tedy that I would love to help the nurse team our next year. If you had asked me if I was going to run next year yesterday, I would’ve said no, but after reflecting on it and what a huge accomplishment it was and how much is means, I would definitely love to run it again.”

“I would definitely love to run it again,” Reed said.


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