A good time is had by all at the Rotary Turkey Trot

The Rotary Club of Lynnfield and Lynnfield Mothers Group teamed up to host the 13th annual Turkey Trot 5k Run and Walk, which kicked off at the Town Common  Sunday. 

All funds raised by the event go will be donated to the Lynnfield High School Scholarship Fund as well as “other local community needs,” according to the Rotary. 

The event took on a special significance this year following the death of Lynnfield Moms Group member Julie Routhier, who died after a battle with cancer.  

“Thanksgiving was Julie’s favorite holiday as it was a family connection day. Running or walking to honor Julie will be a special way for us to connect as a community and show our love and support for the Routhier family,” Rotary Club President Christine Travers said. She read a tribute to the family from the Moms Group.

Travers served as the master of ceremonies — fittingly donning a turkey costume for the occasion.

Rotary Past President Jack Moynihan said, despite bone-chilling wind gusts and  low temperatures, this year’s race might have been the most successful he has ever seen.

“It was cold, so very cold, but we had more people who participated than I can remember,” he said. “The Moms group was great and everyone was just so happy to be there with such great spirit. We had walkers for the first time and even some of the kids who ran the race still were excited to do the fun runs at the end of the day. It was just a great community event. Christine (Travers) did a great job organizing the event and stepped in to read the Moms tribute to Julie, which was extremely emotional.”

The race began at the tip of the Town Common near the Town Hall and followed the traditional route used by Lynnfield Athletic Association Fourth of July 5K route.

Angelo Deluca, of Lynnfield, took home the first overall prize and also won the male 13-18 division. Deluca completed the race in 19 minutes and 15 seconds.

Kara Moran, also of Lynnfield, was the overall female winner and also took the top spot in the female 30-39 division. Moran finished in 21 minutes and 19 seconds.

Other age group winners were Taylor Carney (Female 12 and under), Danny Toland (Male 12 and under), Maddie Daigle (Female 13-18), Jake Martinho (Male 13-18), Jade Demato (Female 19-29), Christopher McCarthy (Male 19-29), Jessica Stevenson (Female 30-39), Salvatore Bottaro (Male 30-39), Emily McDivitt (Female 40-49), Chris Doherty (Male 40-49), Connie Ruel (Female 50+) and Michael Dimavro (Male 50+).

Race sponsors included Moynihan Lumber, Everett Bank, MarketStreet Lynnfield/WS Development, The Savings Bank, Lynnfield Moms Group, A Healthy Lynnfield, First Financial Trust, Eastern Bank, Wakefield Co-operative Bank, Dunkin (Coletta/Melio Family, The Goddard School, Kimball and Kimball, Attorney Stephanie Petty, Lynnfield Rotarians and Bagel World.




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