Letter to the Editor: Bob Gillon for Select Board

Dear Editor,

I hope Lynnfield voters will support Bob Gillon for a needed change on the Select Board. Bob would bring 35 years of experience in corporate accounting. Presently he works for an environmental engineering firm in Waltham. Bob’s background will be helpful in guiding fiscally responsible spending in Lynnfield. Voters can expect honest answers from Bob, and he will be respectful of the burdens of the taxpayers.

Bob Gillon is not only smart and honest, he is also kind. I observe that he derives real pleasure from serving others. It was no surprise to learn that he spent weekends for three years working with Habitat for Humanity. He was also involved nationally and internationally with fundraising for various diabetes foundations. I noticed his happiness in delivering food and holiday items to local residents. 

Bob’s kindness, intelligence, and honesty will provide Lynnfield students with a fine role model.

Please vote for Bob Gillon on April 11 at the High School.


Pat Campbell

Lynnfield resident


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