Dalton: Crawford has an ‘unwavering commitment to the town’

Why am I endorsing Phil Crawford in the upcoming election for Select Board?

The answer is quite simple. He’s done an outstanding job as a member of the Select Board for the past ten years. Before that he served on the Finance Committee for five years.

Without a doubt, he has the credentials and the track record deserving of reelection.

There have been many significant and beneficial changes in town during his tenure on the Board — and Phil was the driving force behind many of them. 

He shares with me the strong belief that the Select Board has an obligation to produce, for your approval at Town Meeting, a budget that is fiscally responsible and sustainable while serving the needs of the community. His financial acumen has been invaluable to the Board.

He also understands the importance of having a team in place to manage the day-to-day operations of the Town. For all the years that I have lived in town, I can say without hesitation that the managers and department heads in place now are the best that we have ever had. That doesn’t happen by chance.  

But what I admire most about Phil is his unwavering commitment to the Town. He coached youth sports, ran the Pumpkin Fest for a dozen years along with his wife Ellen, and donated his time and money to improving playgrounds to name just a few of his many contributions. Perhaps most importantly, he founded A Healthy Lynnfield. He had a vision that would benefit the community and he worked tirelessly to make it a reality. Today, that organization works to prevent substance misuse, improve the quality of life for those impacted, and support programs that help all young people thrive. 

Vote for the candidate that has proven that he has the skillset, the intellect and the commitment necessary to manage the challenges that lie ahead, as well as identify and take advantage of the opportunities that may arise.

Vote for the candidate whose only agenda is doing what’s best for the town.  

Vote for Phil Crawford.


Dick Dalton



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