A Healthy Lynnfield presents Mental Performance Coach Vera Jo Bustos on March 7

 A Healthy Lynnfield invites the public to attend a presentation by Mental Performance Coach Vera Jo Bustos on Thursday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Lynnfield Middle School. 

Bustos utilizes her knowledge of performance psychology as a speaker to engage, motivate, and transform the mindset and approach of everyone in her audience. 

In this powerful presentation, parents and caregivers will walk away with a mindset of confidence and a blueprint of what it takes to bring out the best version of themselves. Registration is not required. 

Through this dynamic and energetic presentation, Bustos will share key ways to increase confidence and create a better understanding of how to break the barriers of confidence killers: negative thoughts, assumptions and doubts, imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and self-perceived weaknesses.

Bustos will also be speaking with students at Lynnfield High School and Lynnfield Middle School during the day so parents who attend the evening session will have a better understanding of what their children learned from Bustos at the school sessions.



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