King Rail Reserve finally has a home of its own

After years of waiting, golfers at the King Rail Reserve Golf Course will soon be able to relax, set a spell and take their (golf) shoes off now that voters approved $900,000 in funding for a permanent clubhouse at a Special Town Meeting Monday night.

Residents overwhelmingly approved the funding, 240-17.

Town Administrator Robert Dolan said addressing the lack of infrastructure at the golf course was one of the town’s goals this year. Since reopening in the spring of 2016, the course has operated out of a trailer. 

Dolan said this project is unique because it will be paid for in cash with no burden on residents with $400,000 funding from the MarketStreet development deal and $500,000 in a  free cash transfer from the town’s Golf Enterprise Fund. 

“Due to the strong performance at the golf course and a fund that has been in existence since a land sale regarding the old Colonial Golf Course and Market Street, we are able to pay for this fully without any borrowing or impact in any way to the golf course,” Dolan said. “By making this investment, we will not be lessening our ability to invest in equipment, in greens, and all the things that we want to strive to improve our golf course every year.”

An overview of the project was provided at a recent Select Board meeting, John Scenna presented plans for the new clubhouse.. 

Select Board Chair Philip Crawford said this is something that has been on the agenda for the last several years, but COVID-19 delayed the project for three years. 

“Now we’re ready to bring it forward and I think we have a very nice project to show the public,” Crawford said. 

Scenna said the project includes a paved road leading down to the clubhouse with a gravel parking lot. 

In front of the clubhouse, there will be an enclosed fenced area for golf carts and to the right of the building will be an outdoor patio. 

“The interior is very simple and straightforward,” Scenna said. 

When entering the building, there will be ample space for golf shop retail operations. At the back of the building will be female and male separate bathrooms and a utility/storage closet to the right of those. 

Scenna said the rest of the building is an open concept, with four 10-person tables. On the right side of the building will be two sliding doors that lead to a patio with tables that can comfortably fit 24 to 30 people. 

While there is no bar in the proposal, Scenna said there will be a sink and a refrigerator to accommodate catered events.

The rear of the building overlooks the golf course with double doors that Scenna said can be opened when the weather is nice. 

“I think it’s the right size for this golf course. We have a small, nine-hole golf course. I think that will work fine with what we use it for,” Crawford said. 

“I want to be very clear. I know people on the table know this, but we have an enterprise fund which means golf money comes in, golf money goes out,” Dolan said. “You cannot use this money to pay for educators, to pay for firefighters, to pay for municipal uses… this is golf money that must be used for golf.” 

At the end of the year, Dolan said the free cash was $846,000, which means they made significantly more at both golf courses than they predicted.

“I want the people to know that this is affordable, that this is a $900,000 project, which is less, I think, than past projects and I think more impactful, more tasteful, and fits into the themes of this particular golf course, which are very unique and beautiful,” Dolan said. 


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