LTE: Vote Leahy for Select Board

To the editor:

On April 9, the Town of Lynnfield has the opportunity to make some big decisions about its elected officials. One seat that I hope voters will pay close attention to is that of Select Board — and I hope you will consider casting your vote for Alexis Leahy.

Alexis has demonstrated skills and leadership that will serve her well on the Select Board. For the past two years she’s served on the Finance Committee. As a former member of FinCom myself, I can say that the experience gives you an excellent bird’s eye view of the town’s budget — and its pain points. In my time on FinCom — and I know Alexis agrees — I also saw a number of areas for innovation and improvement. I have seen Alexis in action, asking difficult and sometimes uncomfortable questions — and I know that she will prioritize a strategy and direction for the town’s projects and spending that supports the vision of its residents.

Alexis’ perspective will provide a perfect balance and complement to the experienced leadership of Phil Crawford and Dick Dalton. As a working mother immersed in the day-to-day challenges of young families in Lynnfield, and as a recent co-president of the SSS PTO, Alexis also provides an opportunity for the “next generation” in Lynnfield to gain a voice in our town’s strategic direction and priorities.

While Lynnfield boasts top-notch financial ratings, the feeling often does not translate to our practical day to day. Staff is being cut at the schools. Our roads are a source of constant complaints. We are hitting the same pain points, year after year, despite a solid financial status — and I haven’t seen a strategy to relieve them. Alexis’ vision and fresh eyes on the town’s direction can contribute to building solutions instead of accepting the status quo.

Progress has been a main theme of the School Committee race for which I am currently a candidate, and it’s why I’m writing this letter in support of Alexis. Progress requires more than just changing one board; it requires creating a more representative slate of officials across the board, and increasing points of view and critical thinking. I believe representation of Lynnfield’s young families on the Select Board will help align it with the School Committee as difficult decisions are being made.

On April 9, this town will have the opportunity to make a number of changes to its elected boards. If you’ve been craving progress, now’s the time to make your voice heard. Join me in voting for Alexis Leahy for Select Board.

Kristen Elworthy
