LTE: Choose Kim Baker Donahue for School Committee

Dear Lynnfield voters,

On Tuesday, April 9, we will head to the polls to cast our ballots for new and returning members of the School Committee and in my opinion, there is one clear and obvious choice – my sister, Kim Baker Donahue. She is running for a one-year position (

Kim is running for School Committee because she believes in the Lynnfield school system. She grew up in Lynnfield and is now a proud parent raising her two sons here. As a member of the School Committee, Kim will bring a unique combination of attributes: she is a trained lawyer, she has served in various leadership positions of several successful nonprofit organizations throughout the North Shore, and she is a mom.

When it comes to our children’s education, most of us hold strong values and emotions, whether we agree or disagree. Kim believes that Lynnfield’s School Committee needs to be open, transparent, and responsive to parent, teacher and staff, and community concerns. But these are not just the values that Kim expects of the School Committee. They are the values that she upholds for herself and her family in all aspects of her life and they are the values with which she has experience leading.

Kim will bring transparency, honest and candid communication, and trust back to Lynnfield’s schools. The relationships among Lynnfield’s teachers, staff, parents, and School Committee need to be fostered so that everyone feels seen, heard, and respected. Kim knows our public schools have what it takes to continue to be what we know they have been – inclusive, welcoming, and loving.

In her role as an estate lawyer, Kim makes her living helping people plan and prepare for their future and their family’s future. If elected, Kim will bring that same passion, care, and attention to the school committee so that we can plan and prepare for the future of Lynnfield Public Schools and our children.

If you believe the School Committee members should always be ready to listen, hear, and respond to your concerns with open and two-sided communication, choose Kim. If you believe the School Committee members should always be transparent and respectful, choose Kim. If you believe that to communicate effectively, you should be articulate and communicate with kindness and proper grammar, choose Kim.

On Tuesday, April 9, when you cast your vote for School Committee, vote for Kim Baker Donahue. Choose Kind. Choose Kim. She will always put our children first.

Thank you!

Allison Donahue
