DePrizio and Hayman to be new Lynnfield School Committee chair and vice chair

The Lynnfield School Committee voted unanimously to appoint members Kate DePrizio and Jamie Hayman as the committee’s chair and vice chair, respectively, during an emergency meeting last Tuesday evening. The appointments come on the heels of former Chair Rich Sjoberg and Vice Chair Stacy Dahlstedt’s resignations last week.

“I am deeply honored to be appointed chair of the Lynnfield School Committee,” DePrizio told the Lynnfield Weekly News.I know that we are all keenly aware of the challenges that lie ahead of us, united together is the only path forward. I want the LPS staff and community to know that their voices, needs, and concerns are important and I am resolute in facilitating our recovery, healing, and growth.  I look forward to working collaboratively and responsively with Vice Chair Jamie Hayman and Committee member Phil McQueen. I am deeply appreciative of the leadership, collaboration, and commitment of Acting Superintendent Tom Geary. My most immediate focus will be addressing committee communication, discerning budget conversations for FY24-25, and the continuity of leadership for the district.”

Hayman did not wish to be nominated for chair, saying that he did not have the time and attention that would be needed for the role. However, he agreed to work as vice chair and help the committee in “whatever way is needed.”

“As we address continuity of district leadership, the FY25 budget, and curriculum reviews, I am committed to doing so as transparently as possible,” Hayman told the  Lynnfield Weekly News. “I am 100% committed to collaborating with Mrs. DePrizio and positioning her for success to collectively move the district forward. One of the first opportunities I see is to open up more channels of communication to open a channel for two-way dialogue between the School Committee and the community. All that being said, it is also bittersweet as I will miss working with Rich and Stacy, and their contribution, dedication, and hard work should not go unrecognized.”

Due to Sjoberg and Dahlstedt’s resignations, the committee is seeking to fill two vacancies. The committee voted to send a notice of the two vacancies to the Select Board and will later hold a joint meeting with the board to vote on the candidates. Letters of interest and intent can be sent to Town Administrator Rob Dolan, Assistant Town Administrator Bob Curtin, or acting Superintendent of Schools Thomas Geary. 
