Dry January: A month to consider healthy options

This should come as no surprise. Today’s culture does not support an environment in which we can reflect on our relationship with alcohol and feel comfortable cutting down. In fact, alcohol use has become so prominent in our everyday lives that people are shocked when someone says they’re not drinking. What’s wrong with saying, “I’m not drinking tonight?”

To make this decision an easy choice and to promote a positive norm, during the month of January, six businesses at MarketStreet Lynnfield are teaming up with A Healthy Lynnfield to feature a mocktail (a cocktail without alcohol) on their menu. They are:

  • Alchemy
  • Burtons Grill & Bar
  • Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse
  • Kings Dining & Entertainment
  • La Gallina
  • Temazcal Tequila Cantina

January is a month in which resolutions are made to stick to healthy behaviors. Dry January began in 2012 as a public-health initiative from Alcohol Change UK, a British charity. Now, millions take part in this health challenge every year.

A recent report from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicates that among people ages 12 or older in 2021, 47.5% (or 133.1 million people) drank alcohol in the past month.

If you’re among them, you might want to start the new year on a healthy note by joining others who abstain from alcohol during Dry January.

What are the benefits of abstaining? Your heart, lungs, liver, and memory will thank you. One study reports regular drinkers who abstained from alcohol for 30 days slept better, had more energy, lost weight, and lowered their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Conversely, heavier drinking and long-term drinking has higher risks: it can increase physical and mental problems, including heart and liver damage, a higher cancer risk, a weakened immune system, and mood disorders.

Being alcohol-free helps improve your mood and overall mental status. Alcohol is a depressant, and using alcohol to cope with stress is never a good solution. It also suppresses your immune system, so give your health a boost and accept this 30-day alcohol-free challenge and see how good you feel! It can be a rewarding and transformative experience.

If you wish to cut down on your alcohol intake, or simply want to begin the new year with a clean slate, join in the Dry January challenge by choosing not to drink beer, wine, or spirits for one month. Our local businesses support your healthy choice and will feature special mocktails for your consumption. To see what’s on the menu, go to www.marketstreetlynnfield.com to learn about the mocktails featured each week in January.

If you find that you are interested in professional clinical help for mental health or substance use, reach out to A Healthy Lynnfield’s office for local treatment options or go to www.ahealthylynnfield.org.
