Mayoral candidates react to election results

Ted Bettencourt was re-elected to his seventh term as mayor last week after defeating challenger Rochelle Agneta. Bettencourt won handily, receiving a total of 6,017 votes to Agneta’s 1,229.

Bettencourt expressed his satisfaction with the results and gratitude to the city for its strong support.

“It’s not certainly easy to be an elected official during these tough days,” Bettencourt said. “I’ve always been very humbled by the support I’ve been able to receive in Peabody and support for the work we’re doing on behalf of the city.”

He emphasized that despite being mayor for more than a decade, his passion for the job is still very strong. He said he ran for re-election because he wanted to remain in his position and continue leading the city into the future.

“I really feel that Peabody is on a good path forward and that we’re doing the right things for the community that make Peabody a better place to live, work, and raise a family,” Bettencourt said. “And that’s very important to me.”

Agneta said that despite coming up short in the race, she has no regrets. She explained her decision to run mainly stemmed from seeing Bettencourt run  unopposed throughout his tenure.

“I think people need choices,” Agneta said.

She said she is thankful for the support she did receive and hopes that her campaign will ignite positive progress in the city.

“I just hope going forward that the mayor and the administration make the right choices for their constituents and for the businesses in Peabody,” Agneta said. “I hope people are paying attention to what’s going on in their city.”

Agneta was pleased when Bettencourt announced Vision 2035, and suggested a similar plan would have been a key component of her agenda had she been victorious.
