LTE: A lovely Thanksgiving celebration at the Torigian Center

To the editor:

Although this writer was unable to attend, he would like to report on the Thanksgiving Day celebration at the Peter A. Torigian Center in Peabody held on Nov. 16, 2023. It started at 9:30 a.m. with music provided by The Golden Echoes Big Band Dance ensemble for listening and dancing pleasure prior to dinner. Chefs Pat, Jimmy, Victor, Cathy, and Bob provided a sumptuous meal consisting of roast turkey, gravy, bread stuffing, roasted butternut squash, and cranberry sauce, with scrumptious pumpkin pie for dessert served with water and hot coffee. In closing, we are all so very grateful for the staff and volunteers of the Peabody Council on Aging and we give thanks for them especially for their everyday devotion, love, and care they give to us, their clientele that attend there on an everyday basis. God bless and love them all. Thank you Carolyn Wynn, Judy Walker, Laurie Nadeau, Carol McMahon, Roger Trask Adult Day Care Center Director Susan Levenson RN, Mike Zellen, volunteers, and everyone. God bless you one and all. We thank Him for what you do for us each and every day. Thank you. 


Philip Celeste

