Essex Tech holds ceremonial groundbreaking on Animal Sciences building expansion

HATHORNE —  Essex Tech held a ceremonial groundbreaking on the expansion of its Animal Sciences building, which will provide additional opportunities to prospective students interested in entering the field.

The school, which features a large contingent of students from Peabody, broke ground on an expansion to its Animal Sciences building on Thursday, Nov. 9, surrounded by members of the Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School Committee, state representatives, students, staff, and members of the community.

The Animal Sciences Pathway prepares students to enter the fields of companion animals, equine sciences, or veterinary science upon graduation, and is Essex Tech’s largest program. The expansion will help the school  meet a growing demand for skilled workers in animal-science fields.

A 2023 study by MARs Veterinary Health estimated that the nation will be 24,000 companion-animal veterinarians short of demand by 2030 if pet ownership continues to grow at its current rate.

The two-story expansion will add an additional 100 seats to the program throughout the course of four years, reducing its waitlist.

The building will contain a new lab space for animal dissections and add new areas for kennels and dog training on campus. The addition will cost $3.4 million, paid for through a recent Capital Skills Grant from the state and a state BAN.

During the groundbreaking ceremony, a citation was presented to Essex Tech on behalf of the state House of Representatives by Rep. Manny Cruz, expressing support for the project.

“The Animal Sciences Pathway is our largest program here at Essex Tech, and with this expansion, we will be able to admit 25 more agricultural students each year, opening up opportunities for students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to partake,” Superintendent-Director Heidi Riccio said. “We would not be able to do this work without the support of our sending communities, our elected officials, and our state leadership. We are sincerely grateful as we continue to expand access for agricultural and technical schools.”

Derby Square Architects designed the expansion. Work will be performed by Seaver Construction. Atlantic Construction and Management Inc. serves as project manager.
