Connor’s Kindness raises donations for Lewiston

Connor’s Kindness Project, a nonprofit organization founded by Lynnfield’s Connor Wright during the COVID-19 pandemic, partnered with FMP Races at the 5K Doom Run 2023 on Oct. 28  to raise donations for all those affected by the shootings in Lewiston, Maine.

“We were already set to go to the 5K race,” Wright’s grandmother Sharon Marrama said. “Then the Lewiston shootings happened. So we decided to redirect the proceedings from the race to those affected by the shootings through the Greg Hill Foundation.”

Connor’s Kindness Project was also featured in People magazine for the work the foundation has done over the past few years. Marrama said both Wright and her “felt surreal” to be a part of the story.

“It’s amazing to be able to get nationwide recognition,” Marrama said. “We have been getting calls from all over the country and we are so happy.”

Connor’s Kindness Project was founded in 2020 by Wright, who was 12 years old at the time, to help children who were sick with COVID-19. Along with Marrama, Wright designed COVID-19 care packages that included items and activities to provide comfort for the isolated kids.

During the project’s first year, Wright distributed almost 250 kits at several shelters and hospitals in the state. Since then, Connor’s Kindness Project has delivered more than 3,000 kindness kits across New England to children in need of help. 
