National Honor Society inducts 55 new members

The Lynnfield Chapter of the National Honor Society held its annual induction ceremony on Thursday, April 6 at Lynnfield High School.

A total of 115 students were recognized for upholding the four ideals of the National Honor Society — leadership, character, scholarship and service.

NHS Secretary Julia Ho, senior member Madison Daigle, NHS Historian Kevin Connolly, and NHS Vice President Aran Dharma spoke about the four ideals following welcoming remarks by NHS President Sahil Akhter.

Senior member Evyenia Georges presented the scholarship award to Maryellen Iannibelli. Senior member Giuliana Guarracino presented the character award to Lisa Giacalone. Tutor Coordinator Adam Ho presented the service award to Harry Wagg. Tutor Coordinator Colin McCormack presented the leadership award to Principal Robert Cleary, who then read the NHS pledge.

Connolly, Akhter and Dharma presented NHS certificates and pins, following which Akhter concluded the ceremony with closing remarks.

NHS senior members include:

Katherine Adam

Sahil Akhter

Lauren Amico

Charles Beatric

Vincent Benvenut

Avery Bird

Nate Buklarewic

Aidan Bums

Sophia Call

Celia Carbone

Julia Carbone

Kevin Connolly

Courtney Cummin

Madison Daigle

Ella Deirmendjia

Angelo DeLuca

Aran Dharma

Steven Dreher

Sophia Faro

Ella Feury

Alexander Gentile

Evyenia Georges

Genna Gioioso

Ella Gizmunt

Harrison Grasso

Maria Gravini

Hannah Gromko

Bianca Guarracino

Giuliana Guarracino

Julia Ho

Adam Ho

Gabrielle Jacobs

Kevin Julian

Rafik Khodr

Owen Klee

Sumaedha Konduri

Marianne Lane

Carissa LoNigro

Fisher Luba

Camden Marengi

Robert Marley

Sophia Mazzone

Colin McCormick

Grace McKrell

Daniel McSwccney

Isabella Mendese

Domenic Micieli

Erin Murray

Alyssa O’Keefe

Damon O’Neil

Jason Passatempo

Sofia Raffa

Munir Safwan

Owen Santarella

James Sharkey

Avi Shrivastava

Emme Speicher

Andrew von Jako

Winnie Wang

Ava Zalvan


The junior class inductees are:

Nina Alfe

Niccolo Antidormi

Alex Baldini

Sophie Bergeron

Keely Briggs

Katie Buonopane

Eva Cammarata

Paul Capodilupo

Maria Chambers

Davius Chan

Addison Connelly

Anna Connolly

Hannah Corkhum

Madison Danese

Ryan DeBenedictis

Ava Delaney

Lilyana DeLeo

Kiera Doherty

Dhimitri Dono

Hannah Doyie

Sophia Fiorentino

Ava Gamache

Samantha Geary

Olivia Goguen

Liam Gorman

Max Halsey

Janhavi Jogleka

Russell Kasdon

Maeve Kennedy

Nicholas Kozakis

Chloe Kustka

Alexis Lambros

Sumeet Lampert

Slate LoPilato

Brendan Manoogian

Leticia Marafon

Jake Martinho

Madeline Mastrangelo

Hailey Mihalchik

Isabelle Moschella

Owen Mullin

Ryan Nguyen

Alexa Petruccelli

Joseph Raffa

Kurt Rothermund


Olivia Scire

Madelin Sieve

Zoe Sipcic

Brendan Sokop

Alexandra Sykes

David Tracy

Viola Wertz

Megan Woods

Ryan Zannella


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