Gillon: Lynnfield is not ‘Pleasantville’

I am writing in response to an unprofessional and blatant character assassination in a letter to the editor submitted by Kirk Mansfield.  

Lynnfield is not Pleasantville. I stated a couple of weeks ago that politics is a dirty business, and this is evidenced by Mansfield’s letter submitted last week. Mansfield, who serves as the chair of the Historical Commission, vice-chair of the Conservation Commission, and chair of the Pillings Pond Sub-Committee, has taken to newspapers for over two years repeating “ad nauseum” his disdain for the Lynnfield Historical Society, as well as my wife, Linda, and myself. He expresses a shocking amount of hatred toward us and an organization formed and led by prominent Lynnfield citizens for nearly 70 years. A supporter of Phil Crawford, who has taken a public stance against hate, Mansfield will go to any length to justify his actions including telling lies, misstating facts, and using innuendo to prove his point. As an example, he claims I was responsible for the lapse of the Society’s 501c3 status. However, I wasn’t the treasurer when this occurred and therefore couldn’t have caused the lapse.  

As they say you can’t believe everything in print. For anyone who would like to hear the truth in response to the Mansfield letter to the editor, I will be available at the Town Common on Saturday at 11 a.m. to answer any questions. 

Why do I want to serve the Town of Lynnfield?

I am tired of the same Select Board.

  1. Select Board Representation (or lack thereof) – Last year I suggested Lynnfield should move from a three-member board to a five-member board.  Of course, the current board would be opposed to this as it would diminish their power. I believe a three-member board does not allow for fair representation of the voters/taxpayers of Lynnfield. We need to have more diverse opinions which would allow for more informed decisions. I would propose that a Select Board Committee be established to consider this item to be brought to Town Meeting for consideration. Several years ago, Mr. Crawford opposed this proposal. Why? It would limit his power. The current board does not provide a period at meetings for open public comment, nor do they bring forward issues brought to their attention by residents. I have spoken to other town’s Select Board members, and they are shocked that any board be allowed to conduct meetings in this manner. I would work to change the current board makeup and allow for more discussion from the public at board meetings.
  2. Town Meeting – I was embarrassed at the way the last town meeting was run. I hear every year that the Town Meeting is the purest form of government. After what I witnessed at the last meeting, actions enacted by the town moderator proved this untrue.  A town meeting member, opposed to a warrant item, was treated without respect and threatened to be removed by an armed police officer. He was not allowed to finish his three-minute presentation, even after politely asking for an additional 30 seconds. There is a mechanism that the moderator could have taken to allow this to happen, however he chose not to use it. Should one of the Select Board members have taken action to correct such rude and disrespectful behavior by the town moderator? I will look to the Town Charter for a solution that will ensure the moderator is unbiased in town politics and runs our Town Meeting in a professional manner.  
  3. Water Quality – For many years there have been water quality issues within the Center Water District with little or no resolution. I was shocked after receiving a postcard in the mail regarding PFAS testing failures and subsequent violations by not providing timely notifications to the public. It is unacceptable that our water failed PFAS testing, and even more egregious is the fact that the public was not notified immediately of the testing failures.  
  4. Fiscal Responsibility – Annual spending has risen and there is no end in sight. Every year the budget automatically grows at a minimum of 2 ½ percent over the prior year. I would work with the Finance Committee to reevaluate a base for developing the annual budget rather than making it automatic. I know this would be a big challenge, but most of our residents come from moderate means and need to know that their taxes are being spent wisely. I come from a corporate financial background that works under stringent budgets that strive for competitiveness and success. I believe the town needs to move toward more effective cost containment.  

Now, who is Bob Gillon? I have lived in Lynnfield for 45 years. I attended South School through third grade. I began my working career collecting and selling newspapers for recycle, cutting lawns, picking and selling pecans, and picking tobacco in the Connecticut River valley. I have been a mechanics helper, a surveyor, a tour guide for a public electric utility, a bookkeeper for small airport flight school, and an accounting assistant. Then I graduated from UMass Amherst. I have worked for Government Contractors for the past 35 years in corporate finance, reporting, and budget control. The last six years I have been involved in mergers and acquisitions integration.

My wife Linda and I have been married 50 years and have one daughter, Kerry, who graduated from Lynnfield schools. She married Lynnfield native Chris Goodwin. They have given us three wonderful grandchildren.    

This past week was the third anniversary of my mother’s passing at the incredible age of 100+. While my thoughts are always with her, this past week had me reflecting on how she and my late father (who passed when I was 19) raised me. They clearly instilled a valued work ethic but more importantly they taught me to be kind, honest, thoughtful, and caring. I go out of my way to help my friends and neighbors in any way I can.

I have many ideas for how the Select Board can better serve its constituents. Please join me on the common on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. to hear more.


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