Aaronson is Lynnfield Art Guild’s next featured artist

The Lynnfield Art Guild (LAG) is proud to announce that local watercolor painter Beth Aaronson is the featured artist on LAG’s website www.lynnfieldarts.org for six weeks beginning Wednesday, March 1. 

After this period, her paintings will remain on display on the LAG website on the Members’ Art page.

Aaronson, a 35-year-Lynnfield resident, states that she has always enjoyed drawing and making art, and was encouraged by her parents and teachers. 

At her secondary school, which was founded by a watercolor painter, she developed  lifelong hobbies of drawing and playing the flute and piano. Aaronson then moved on to Cornell University and the New York University School of Law, where she said her “creative outlets helped balance [her] academics.”

After obtaining her J.D. at NYU, Aaronson moved to the Boston area and began working as an appellate attorney. She relocated to the North Shore when her husband Michael began his medical practice. Several years later, when their youngest son started kindergarten, Aaronson returned to focusing on creative expression in both art and music. 

Aaronson started taking watercolor classes with Wakefield artist Bill Velmure and formed a band called, The Musical Mavens.

“Watercolor appealed to me because of its immediacy, spontaneity, and the happy accidents that can occur,” Aaronson said. “I did not know enough to feel daunted by watercolor’s difficulties and I loved mixing my own colors. I remain intrigued by the interplay of light and water in all its forms and experimenting with controlled versus loose techniques, and both realistic and abstract painting.”

Aaronson considers it her great fortune to have been able to study with several talented local artists, including Fran Nola, Eileen Montbleau, Pauline Bacon, and currently, with Lynn artist Bill Deveney.

“My paintings are inspired by my interests and my travels, with a focus on landscapes, gardens, and animals. I am passionate about gardening, hiking, bird watching, kayaking, my dogs, and traveling,” Aaronson said.

Aaronson said she joined the LAG shortly after she began painting. Her involvement with LAG allowed her to make her first connections with the local art community. She remains an active member of LAG and has served on its board in numerous leadership positions, including as president. She is also a member of the Lynnfield Tree Committee. She and her husband are the proud parents of three adult sons and take great pleasure in their six grandchildren.

The Guild is proud to showcase more than 60 paintings of Aaronson’s and invites the public to visit this gallery at www.lynnfieldarts.org and https://lynnfieldarts.org/beth-aaronson/

Viewers interested in purchasing a painting can reach the artist at bsa819@gmail.com. Please visit LAG’s Facebook (Lynnfield Arts) and Instagram pages (@Lynnfieldartguild), and plan to attend the Spring 2023 Lynnfield Art Festival May 6-7 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Meeting House on the Lynnfield Common.

Submitted by Pam Krinsky.



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