Strength in depth for Lynnfield hockey

After an amazing season and unbelievable run to the state semifinals last season, the Pioneers finished with an overall record of 19-4-1 – the most wins the school has achieved in recent memory.

“Last year was pretty remarkable,” head coach Jon Gardner said.

When asked what was special about the season on a personal level, Gardner explained how it was their 10th year there, so to have the success they had was “very fulfilling.”

Gardner gives credit to his coaching staff who, along with him, have been grinding the past decade.

Lynnfield was led by star senior forwards Chase Carney and Aidan Burke who combined to score 113 points over the course of the season. Gardner understands the first line of last year was something that doesn’t happen often.

“That is once in a generation line… that line scored over 60 goals last season,” Gardner said.

Though Lynnfield is losing a lot of production to graduation, the Pioneers are returning key players on the defensive end in captain Drew Damiani who tallied an impressive 50 points (18 goals and 32 assists) last season, and captain Lucas Cook who, as Gardner described, as a “rock, who will block shots, and be physical.”

In addition to Damiani and Cook, Gardner says he is excited to see juniors Joe Raffa and Jarett Scoppetuolo take the ice this season. On Raffa, Gardner states that Joe is “due for a real breakout year,” and that Jarrett “has all the tools, and he just needs to put it all together.”

Gardner explained that everyone has to take a step up in order to fill the big shoes the senior players have left. Instead of one player trying to produce the numbers Carney or Burke tallied, Gardner is looking for a number of players to chip in with 5-8 goals apiece.

He believes his coaching style allows for players to express themselves on the ice, which could help the younger players find their role on the team. However, Gardner wants them all to know of his “black and white” structure, which allows for creativity alongside caution.

Gardner says there is a bit of a youth movement occurring at Lynnfield, and believes he has a healthy balance of leadership from the upperclassmen. He meets with the leadership-type players weekly and encourages them to bring new ideas with them.

The system may change year to year depending on the personnel of the team, but one thing remains the same: playing to win.

Mark Aboyoun can be reached at


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