The Pioneers’ girls basketball team (0-4) faced a challenging task at Lynnfield High on Tuesday, welcoming Newburyport (2-0) in its first home game of the season. Despite the Clippers dominating for the first three quarters and winning 52-24, heads are still being held high.

Lynnfield outscored Newburyport 11-7 in the fourth quarter, something Paul Burdett, who filled in for head coach Susan Breen for the game, was proud of.

“I’m super proud of the girls for that second half effort,” Burdett said.

Senior Isabella George led the Pioneers. The captain scored the first points of the game at the free throw line, and never stopped attacking. She finished with 12 of Lynnfield’s 24 points, and buried seven of her eight free throws.

George said she was proud of her team’s effort, and that her individual performance isn’t what matters to her.

“I know all of the girls on our team – we play so hard, so it’s all that heart out there that’s the most important thing to me,” George said. “That’s the most important thing in my book.”

Sophomore Emma Rose also contributed, scoring six points and shooting perfect at the charity stripe.

After George’s two points to open the game, Newburyport rattled off 23 straight points to close the first quarter. Newburyport’s press, perfect lead passes, and strong post positioning were some difference-makers early on.

“The first half was tough, they’re a good team,” Burdett said. “We were focused on trying to come out quicker, which didn’t happen.”

Despite the early deficit, junior Jaelynn Moon caught eyes in the quarter after she dove on the floor for a loose ball when her team was down 17. She also recorded a transition steal moments later.

Lynnfield struggled to get past halfcourt, and the Pioneers couldn’t get much to fall until the third quarter. Some highlights of the third included sophomore Taylor Valiton collecting two offensive rebounds in the first minute, and Rose taking things coast-to-coast for a layup past two Clippers.

“We had the slow start, but we definitely picked it up at halftime,” George said.

During the third quarter break, the Pioneers huddled and shouted, “one, two, three, hard work.” Eight minutes later, that’s exactly what happened. Outscoring the Clippers by four in the quarter, impressive moments included Moon using her muscle to bank in a mini-hook, and George pulling up for a three with no hesitation.

George was taken out of the game to a standing ovation, and the Pioneers cheered on each and every player who came off the bench.

“You could see it at the end of the game. Obviously we’re down 20-something, but everyone was just cheering on bench players that don’t get in a lot, stuff like that. It’s a good group,” Burdett said.

Despite Lynnfield fighting until the final second, the buzzer went off on the Pioneers. Newburyport moved to 2-0, and Lynnfield to 0-4.

“We need to work on just moving the ball around. We all can play basketball, we’re all athletes, so it’s just attacking what we need to work on,” George said. “Working together, basically.”

The Pioneers return home Thursday, Dec. 29 against Gloucester at 11 a.m. Despite the loss to Newburyport, Burdett said it was a strong test for his players.

“If we clean up our mistakes, we’ll be that good one day,” Burdett said.


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